This information might be helpful if this is your first time logging in to the wiki in order to access restricted information.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "log in" in the upper right corner
  3. Enter your UiO username
  4. Enter your UiO passord
  5. Go to #it on slack and give us your UiO username, and say that you want access to the intern wiki OR send an email to [email protected] with the same information.

You don't have to notify #it or [email protected] if you already have a user and access to "Internwiki" (you can check if "Internwiki" exists when pressing the arrow on the right side of "CYB" in the top left corner)

Du er nå inne på Cybernetisk Selskabs offentlige og åpne wiki. Det tas forbehold om feil og unøyaktigheter i innholdet. Ris, ros og andre tilbakemeldinger eller forslag tas i mot på Cybernetisk Selskabs Slack-instans!